Town Council Elects New Leadership Team with Strong Roots in the Community Sector.

The 2024 Annual Meeting of Uppingham Town Council has elected a new cohort of Civic Leaders and Committee Chairs in addition to adopting an updated committee and governance structure.

Cllr David Ainslie BEM (pictured) is the new Town Mayor having previously served as deputy for two years. Cllr Mark Shaw is the new Deputy Mayor. Both men chair their local residents associations, are Executive members of the Uppingham Neighbourhood Forum, drive the Uppingham Hopper and are directors of the Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust. David is also Treasurer of the town’s Twinning Association. Mark is also chair of the Rutland Biz Club and the Uppingham First Community Partnership.

In a night where the voluntary sector figured strongly in the council’s appointments other elections included:-

Chair of Environment, Infrastructure and Amenities – Cllr Liz Clarke

Chair of Finance – Cllr Trevor Colbourne

Chair of Planning – Cllr Barry Hobbs

Chair of Staffing – Cllr Ron Simpson BEM