Town Council Appoints New Town Clerk

Uppingham Town Council has appointed a new Town Clerk.

He is Adam Lowe, the current Mayor of Oakham and a longstanding community champion for Rutland.

As a qualified parish clerk with many years of experience as a county and parish councillor, Adam was unanimously appointed by a full meeting of Uppingham Town Council.

One of Adam’s his first challenges will be to help facilitate the filling of seven vacant councillor seats on the town council in addition to progressing the town’s second Neighbourhood Plan.

Commenting upon the appointment Uppingham First Executive Director Ron Simpson BEM said, “The Uppingham community welcomes Adam’s appointment at an important time for the town. Adam’s experience as a parish councillor gives him valuable insight into what is needed to help the town move forward.”

Adam attended the 2024 AGM of the Uppingham Neighbourhood Forum this week where he introduced himself to the attending public and was greeted with a round of applause.

Photo courtesy of Martin Brookes.