Temporary Website Fills the Gap While New Uppingham Portal is Being Developed

The original and very popular Uppingham First website, first published in 2009, has been closed down as its software was out of date and not mobile friendly.   This site is a temporary replacement.

Links to the Uppingham Webcam, the Uppingham Hopper, the ABC Trail and other significant online links to community pages are temporarily located here while a new high quality virtual Uppingham Portal is being developed.  The new portal will provide online access to a wide range of commercial and public services as well as providing a link to the town’s community partnership, Uppingham First.

Business and community groups will be kept up to date with the portal’s progress and a launch date published in advance. When ready, the new portal will be found at www.uppinghamonline.uk  and Uppingham First at www.uppinghamfirst.uk