Round Rutland Run 2024

The 2024 Round Rutland Classic Vehicle Run held on September 1st has been declared an outstanding success with many drivers indicating they intend to participate again next year.

A specially extended route of 60 miles took drivers through many of Rutland’s smallest villages and accessed some very narrow rural roads.

Commenting on the success of the day, Uppingham First Executive Director Ron Simpson BEM said, “Everything went to plan including the weather. Drivers clearly enjoyed the run and those who returned for lunch and musical entertainment in the afternoon were able to bask in the sunshine. As always, the day was only possible thanks to a team of hard working volunteers drawn from community partners Special thanks are due to Rotary Club of Uppingham Secretary, Margaret Simpson BEM, who spent several months dealing with the Run’s administration. Also to Dr James Burden of Uppingham Surgery who provided medical cover for the event. Once again, collaborative working presented the Uppingham community at its very best. Thank you to Town and County Councils, the Uppingham PPG and town’s Emergency Plan volunteer team who helped staff the event.”