New Community Bus Service Trial Announced

The Uppingham First Community Partnership and CPRE Rutland, the countryside charity, are pleased to announce a joint initiative of a one month trial of a market day Hopper bus service to Uppingham from Bisbrooke.

The service will link Bisbrooke residents to Uppingham Surgery, Uppingham High Street and the weekly market. Service timings will also integrate with commercial bus services to Oakham, Stamford and Leicester. 

Commenting on the trial which has been arranged in collaboration with Bisbrooke Parish Meeting, Hopper bus founder and Deputy Mayor Cllr David Ainslie BEM said, “The Uppingham Hopper team are delighted to be offering this new service to our neighbours in Bisbrooke. The trial period will establish whether there is sufficient community support and finance for the service to make it a permanent feature for the future. Passenger numbers will be closely monitored  during the trial period.”

The Bisbrooke trial is the first  to be supported by CPRE Rutland, the countryside charity in its call for a county wide Rutland Community Bus Service to be established. CPRE Rutland Chair Ron Simpson BEM said, “The charity is now meeting regularly with parish council representatives to address issues of mutual concern. The lack of public transport is one of those concerns. We are delighted to be working with the Uppingham Hopper team. CPRE nationally has called for a nationwide hourly bus service to be established to help support the sustainability of rural villages in the UK. The Bisbrooke initiative is a small first step in our collaborative dialogue on community transport with our parishes and Rutland County Council. We look forward to supporting other village initiatives in 2023.”

A Bisbrooke parish representative described the initiative as ‘fantastic’. Pictured is the first cohort of passengers on launch day.