Brief History of the Neighbourhood Plan in Uppingham

Early Beginnings: The concept of a Neighbourhood Plan for Uppingham emerged after the Localism Act 2011 was introduced, which enabled communities in England to have a more significant role in local planning decisions. This act encouraged Uppingham, a market town in Rutland, to take charge of its developmental future. Following a successful bid to government from Uppingham First supported by both town and county councils, Uppingham became a ‘front runner’ of communities for the new Neighbourhood Plans within England with the Town Council becoming the lead body for the plan.

Formation of the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group (NPAG): In 2012, the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group (NPAG) was formed, comprising town councillors, local business owners and residents. This group was responsible for creating a plan that would embody the community’s aspirations for future development, including housing, infrastructure and local services.

The Vanguard Board, which now brings together all the parties  necessary to create and update a Neighbourhood Plan started life as the Shadow Vanguard Board in March 2016 when it was first suggested by Gareth Bradford of the Cities and Local Growth Unit.  Mr Bradford was the Civil Servant who had played a major role in the drafting of the Localism Act that gave rise to Neighbourhood Plans.  He subsequently became an advisor at No 10 Downing Street and visited Uppingham on at least two occasions in connection with our status as a Neighbourhood Plan Front Runner.  At the meeting in March 2016 of the Town Centre and Business Zones Plan (TC&BZ Plan) Working Group, when his suggestion was reported and debated, also present were the CEO of the Local Enterprise Partnership and Tony Mathias (then Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council).  Uppingham Town Council was represented by the then Mayor Cllr Dave Ainslie who was one of the two authorised representatives of the Town Council for this group, the other was the then Cllr Cornelius Vincent-Enright. 

Community Involvement: The NPAG conducted extensive consultations to gather input from the community. Various workshops, surveys, and public meetings were held to ensure the plan reflected the needs and wishes of the businesses and residents alike. These consultations revealed key priorities, such as housing, retail, transport and green spaces.

Drafting the Plan: Based on the feedback from the community, the NPAG drafted the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan. This plan aimed to address local concerns while promoting sustainable development. Key elements included provisions for affordable housing, the protection of green spaces, support for local businesses and improvements to transport infrastructure.

Approval and Adoption: After thorough consultation and revision, the draft plan was submitted to Rutland County Council for examination. Following a successful examination process and a local referendum in July 2014, where the majority of residents voted in favour of the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan and it was subsequently formally adopted.

Implementation and Impact: Since its adoption, the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan has guided local development, ensuring that new projects align with the community’s vision. It has helped secure funding for local projects and has influenced planning decisions, thereby maintaining Uppingham’s unique character while allowing for thoughtful growth.

Ongoing Review: The plan requires periodic review to remain relevant. The NPAG (now a subcommittee of the Town Council Planning Committee) has continued to engage with the community to update the plan, ensuring it adapts to changing needs and continues to reflect the aspirations of Uppingham’s residents.

Benefits of the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan

  1. Community Empowerment: The plan empowers residents by giving them a voice in local development decisions, ensuring that growth aligns with their needs and aspirations.
  2. Sustainable Development: It promotes sustainable development by balancing new housing and infrastructure with the preservation of green spaces and the town’s character.
  3. Economic Growth: By supporting local businesses and planning for commercial spaces, the plan fosters economic growth and vitality in the town centre.
  4. Housing Provision: The plan includes provisions for affordable housing, addressing local housing needs and ensuring a diverse and inclusive community.
  5. Improved Infrastructure: It outlines improvements to transport and infrastructure, enhancing connectivity and accessibility for residents.
  6. Protection of Green Spaces: The plan protects vital green spaces, ensuring they are preserved for recreational use and environmental benefits.
  7. Funding and Investment: Having a clear, community-endorsed plan helps attract funding and investment for local projects, enhancing the town’s facilities and services.
  8. Consistency in Planning: The plan provides a consistent framework for making planning decisions, ensuring that all development is in line with the community’s long-term vision.

The Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan has and will be instrumental in shaping the town’s development, providing a structured approach to managing growth and preserving its unique character.