Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is Uppingham First?

Uppingham First is a social and economic community partnership dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Uppingham. We work on various projects that support local businesses, improve infrastructure and foster community engagement.

How can I get involved with Uppingham First?

There are many ways to get involved, from volunteering for events to joining one of our projects. Please contact us for more information.


Do volunteers receive any financial compensation or benefit-in-kind? 

No, our volunteers do not receive financial compensation or benefit-in-kind. Their contributions are driven by a desire to positively impact the community.

What types of volunteer opportunities are available? 

We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities including event planning, good neighbour activity, community transport, community outreach, environmental projects and more. Please contact us for more information.

Establishment of Uppingham First

When was Uppingham First Established?

The inaugural meeting of Uppingham First was on Thursday 22nd May 2008

How was Uppingham First established?  Was the town council involved?

Uppingham First was established as a community partnership with the goal of fostering economic growth, enhancing community well-being and supporting sustainable development within Uppingham. The organisation was founded through a collaborative effort involving local business leaders, community representatives, and various stakeholders who recognised the need for a dedicated body to drive forward local initiatives.


·       Community Initiative: Uppingham First was conceived as a grassroots initiative aimed at addressing local needs and opportunities. The founders included prominent members of the community, with the support of the Town Council who were committed to improving Uppingham’s quality of life and economic prospects.

·       Inclusive Approach: From the outset, Uppingham First aimed to be an inclusive organisation, welcoming input and participation from a broad range of community members, including residents, business owners and local organisations.

Town Council Involvement

·       Consultation with the Council: During the formation of Uppingham First there were consultations with Uppingham Town Council, to ensure alignment with existing local governance structures and to seek support for the initiative. This collaborative dialogue helped to establish a foundation of mutual understanding and cooperation.

·       Relationships: While Uppingham First operates independently of the Town Council, the council’s involvement in  the partnership’s foundation helped it to  get established. The Town Council, at the time, recognised the potential benefits of having a dedicated body focused on community and economic development.

·       Ongoing Collaboration: Since its establishment, Uppingham First has continued to work closely with Uppingham Town Council on various projects and initiatives. This ongoing collaboration ensures that both organisations can effectively contribute to the community’s development, leveraging their respective strengths and resources.

In summary, Uppingham First was established through a community-driven effort with the involvement and consent of Uppingham Town Council. This partnership has been instrumental in the organisation’s success, allowing it to effectively serve the community while complementing the work of the Town Council.

Events and Activities

What events does Uppingham First organise? 

Uppingham First organises several events throughout the year, including community events, business networking events and public forums. Visit our events page for more details.

How can I stay informed about upcoming events? 

You can stay informed by following us on social media or regularly checking our website.

Community Projects

 What are some of the key projects Uppingham First is working on?  

Our key projects include the town centre revitalisation, affordable housing initiatives and improvements to local transport and infrastructure. More information can be found on our projects page

How can I contribute to community projects? 

You can contribute by volunteering, providing feedback during public consultations or donating to specific projects. Please contact us for more information on how to get involved.

Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan

Who is in charge of the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan? 

The Town Council.  The Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan Subcommittee  which consists of local residents, town councillors and community stakeholders reports directly to the Uppingham Town Council Planning Committee. This group is responsible for drafting, consulting on, and updating the plan to reflect the community’s needs and aspirations. Please refer to Uppingham Town Council for more details.  

What is Uppingham First’s involvement in the Neighbourhood Plan?

Uppingham First plays a supportive role in the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan. While the primary responsibility lies with the Town Council, Uppingham First assists by facilitating community engagement, providing logistical support and promoting the plan’s initiatives through its networks. Uppingham First helps ensure that the community’s vision for sustainable development is realised by collaborating closely with the  Town Council  and other local organisations.

Roles and Responsibilities

How does the role, purpose, and remit of Uppingham First differ from Uppingham Town Council?

While Uppingham First and Uppingham Town Council both aim to improve the community, their roles and functions are distinct:

Uppingham Town Council:

·       Is a local government statutory body elected by the community

·       Via a local precept it makes decisions on local public services, budgets and policies.

·       The council oversees and provides essential public services such as play areas, allotments and green spaces, recreation facilities and community space in the town hall for a wide range of community events

·       It has statutory planning powers to comment on planning applications and create a local Neighbourhood Plan.  

Uppingham First:

·       Community Partnership: Uppingham First operates as a social and economic community partnership rather than a governmental body. It brings together various stakeholders, including businesses, residents and local organizations.

·       Uppingham First is project focused: It primarily focuses on initiating and supporting projects that foster economic growth, community well-being and sustainable development.

·       Advocacy and Support: Uppingham First advocates for the community’s interests and supports initiatives that align with its goals but it does not have regulatory or statutory authority.


In summary, Uppingham Town Council handles formal governance and statutory responsibilities, while Uppingham First concentrates on community-driven projects and initiatives to enhance the town’s development and quality of life.


What is the role, purpose, and remit of Uppingham First? 

Uppingham First is a company limited by guarantee and a community partnership focused on promoting the economic, social and environmental well-being of Uppingham. Its role includes:

·       Economic Development: Supporting local businesses and attracting new investment to enhance the town’s economic vitality.

·       Community Engagement: Facilitating community involvement and ensuring that residents have a voice in local initiatives.

·       Project Implementation: Leading and supporting various projects aimed at improving infrastructure, housing and local amenities.

Promotion and Advocacy: Promoting Uppingham as a desirable place to live, work and visit and advocating for policies that benefit the community

Collabortion between Uppingham Town Council and Uppingham First

How do Uppingham Town Council and Uppingham First work together for the benefit of the community?

Uppingham Town Council and Uppingham First collaborate to enhance the overall well-being and development of the community. Here are key ways they work together:

1.     Shared Vision and Goals:

·       Alignment: Both organisations share a common goal of improving Uppingham’s quality of life, economic vitality and community cohesion. Regular meetings and joint strategic planning sessions help align their visions and objectives.

2.     Complementary Roles:

·       Governance and Community Initiatives: The Town Council focuses on governance, statutory  matters and essential public services, while Uppingham First drives community-led projects and economic development initiatives. Their roles complement each other, ensuring comprehensive community support.

3.     Communication and Coordination:

·       Regular Communication: Both bodies maintain open lines of communication sharing information about ongoing projects, community needs and opportunities for collaboration. This helps avoid duplication of efforts and ensures efficient use of resources.

·       Joint Committees and Working Groups: Where appropriate and by  mutual agreement, Uppingham First  is party to the establishment of  joint committees or working groups which  allows both organisations to collaborate on specific projects or issues, bringing together diverse expertise and perspectives.

4.     Project Collaboration:

·       Co-Planning and Implementation: On key projects, such as town centre revitalisation, infrastructure improvements, or community events, Uppingham Town Council and Uppingham First can collaborate in planning and execution. This can involve co-funding, resource sharing and joint promotion.

·       Grant Applications and Funding: Working together on grant applications and funding proposals can enhance the chances of securing financial support for community projects.

5.     Community Engagement:

·       Unified Outreach: By coordinating community engagement efforts, both organisations can reach a broader audience and ensure that residents’ voices are heard. Joint surveys, public consultations and town hall meetings can gather valuable input for decision-making.

·       Transparency and Accountability: Transparent communication about their collaborative efforts and outcomes helps build community trust and ensures accountability.

6.     Support and Advocacy:

·       Advocating for Community Interests: Both organisations can jointly advocate for policies and initiatives that benefit the community, whether at the local, regional or national level. This unified voice can be more influential in driving positive change.

·       Support for Local Businesses and Initiatives: By supporting local businesses and community initiatives together, Uppingham Town Council and Uppingham First can create a more vibrant and resilient local economy.


By leveraging their complementary strengths and maintaining a collaborative approach, Uppingham Town Council and Uppingham First can effectively work together to address the community’s needs and aspirations. This partnership ensures that both governance and grassroots initiatives are aligned, maximizing the positive impact on Uppingham’s residents and businesses.

Vanguard Board

What is the Vanguard Board?

The Uppingham Vanguard Board is a strategic leadership group established to guide and oversee significant development initiatives in Uppingham, a historic market town in Rutland, England. The board is composed of local leaders, business owners, and community representatives who are committed to driving forward projects that enhance the town’s economic vitality, infrastructure, and overall quality of life.

The Uppingham Vanguard Board is at the forefront of driving positive change and development in the picturesque market town of Uppingham in Rutland. Established to address local challenges and seize opportunities, the board comprises local leaders, business owners and community representatives dedicated to enhancing the town’s economic, social and environmental landscape.

Is the Vanguard Board part of Uppingham First?

Yes, the Vanguard Board is part of Uppingham First’s organisational structure. Uppingham First, a community partnership in Uppingham, focuses on local economic development and community initiatives. The Vanguard Board plays a supportive role within this structure, offering guidance and oversight for various projects and activities under the Uppingham First umbrella.

The Board typically includes representatives from local businesses, community organizations, and other stakeholders, working together to help advance the town’s goals. This collaboration ensures that Uppingham First’s initiatives align with the community’s needs and interests.

A history of Uppingham Vanguard Board involvement with Uppingham Town Council.

The Uppingham Vanguard Board started life as the Shadow Vanguard Board in March 2016 when it was first suggested by Gareth Bradford of the Cities and Local Growth Unit.  Mr Bradford was the Civil Servant who had played a major role in the drafting of the Localism Act that gave rise to Neighbourhood Plans.  He subsequently became an advisor at No 10 Downing Street and visited Uppingham on at least two occasions in connection with our status as a Neighbourhood Plan Front Runner.  At the meeting in March 2016 when his suggestion was reported and debated also present were the CEO of the Local Enterprise Partnership and Tony Mathias (then Deputy Leader of Rutland County Council).  Uppingham Town Council was represented by two authorised representatives of the Town Council for this group.

Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust (UHCLT)

Is Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust part of Uppingham First’s structure?

No, Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust (UHCLT) is not part of Uppingham First’s structure. UHCLT is an independent organisation dedicated to providing affordable housing solutions within the Uppingham community. While both Uppingham First and UHCLT share common goals of enhancing community well-being and development, they operate independently of each other. However, they may collaborate on projects and initiatives that align with their mutual objectives.

Where Can I i find more information on Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust (UHCLT)

See their website at –


Who governs Uppingham First? 

Uppingham First is governed by a board of directors composed of local leaders, business owners and community representatives who are dedicated to the town’s development.

How can I obtain minutes of board meeting

Board meetings are generally published and accessible via links on this website. Please check our websites for these documents

Support and Donations

How can I support Uppingham First financially?

 You can support us through donations, sponsorships, or by participating in fundraising events. Please contact us.