About Us 

Uppingham First:

Leading the Way in Community and Economic Development

In the heart of Rutland, the smallest historic county in England, Uppingham First has emerged as a dynamic force dedicated to the prosperity and well-being of the Uppingham community. This forward-thinking organisation, established with the support of Uppingham Town Council,  has taken a proactive role in fostering economic growth, enhancing local amenities and creating a vibrant, sustainable environment for residents and businesses alike.

A Vision for the Future

Uppingham First was established with a clear vision: to transform Uppingham into a thriving hub that seamlessly blends its rich historical heritage with modern innovation. This ambitious vision has guided the organisation’s efforts to improve the quality of life for all who live, work and visit the town. By prioritising community engagement, sustainable development and economic vitality, Uppingham First has positioned itself as a key player in the town’s ongoing success.

Driving Economic Growth

At the core of Uppingham First’s mission is the goal of stimulating economic growth. The organisation has launched numerous initiatives to support local businesses, attract new investments and create jobs. By working closely with the Uppingham Town Council, local enterprises and regional partners, Uppingham First has helped to cultivate a robust and resilient local economy.

One of the standout achievements is the development of the Uppingham Business Forum, a platform that brings together business owners, entrepreneurs and stakeholders to share ideas, collaborate and drive forward economic strategies. This collaborative approach has fostered a strong sense of community among businesses and has led to innovative projects that benefit the wider community.

Enhancing Local Amenities

Uppingham First is committed to improving local amenities to enhance the quality of life for residents. The organisation has been instrumental in securing funding for various projects, from upgrading public spaces to improving transportation links. These enhancements not only make Uppingham a more attractive place to live but also boost its appeal as a destination for visitors and tourists.

Notable Projects 

A notable project is the Uppingham Hopper, a community bus service designed to provide convenient and free-to-use transportation for residents. This service has been particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility, ensuring that everyone has access to essential services and amenities.

Thanks to the Uppingham Webcam, an Uppingham First funded tourism initiative, Uppingham Market Place which lies at the heart of this beautiful market town can be viewed from anywhere in the world at www.uppinghamfirst.co.uk  In addition to showing day to day life, the webcam enables major community events such as the famous Uppingham Fatstock Show to be viewed online

The Uppingham Neighbourhood Forum, administered by Uppingham First, brings the local community together once a quarter in a community meeting called via a newsletter delivered to every household in the town. Guest speakers have included the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, Town Mayor, Police and Crime Commissioner, Local Surgery, local police beat team and a wide range of community group leaders.  

Lifesaving Defibrillators in the Heart of the Community

Uppingham First, has proactively taken a significant step towards enhancing public safety by installing defibrillators throughout the town. Recognising the critical role these devices play in emergency cardiac situations, Uppingham First has ensured that residents and visitors alike have access to lifesaving equipment, potentially making the difference between life and death. Uppingham Town Council, Rotary of Uppingham and other Businesses have contributed to this vital network. 

Promoting Sustainability

Sustainability is a key pillar of Uppingham First’s vision for the town’s future. The organisation has championed green initiatives that promote environmental stewardship and reduce the community’s carbon footprint. From supporting renewable energy projects to encouraging sustainable practices among local businesses, Uppingham First is leading the charge towards a greener, more sustainable future.

One innovative initiative is the Uppingham Carbon Neutral Project, which aims to make the town carbon-neutral by 2030. This ambitious project involves a range of activities, including tree planting, energy efficiency programs and the promotion of eco-friendly transportation options.

Fostering Community Spirit

Uppingham First understands that a strong, cohesive community is the foundation of a thriving town. The organisation actively fosters community spirit through events, volunteer opportunities and initiatives that bring people together. By encouraging active participation and collaboration, Uppingham First helps to build a sense of belonging and pride among residents.

Events such as the Stilton Cheese Classic Vehicle Run, summer Social Sunday’s, Uppingham Feast (led by volunteers Lucy Stephenson and James Torbell) and community clean-up days are just a few examples of how Uppingham First engages with the community. These events not only provide entertainment and enjoyment but also strengthen the bonds between residents, local businesses and organisations.

Looking Ahead

As Uppingham First looks to the future, it remains steadfast in its commitment to driving positive change. The organisation’s forward thinking approach, combined with its deep-rooted connection to the community, ensures that Uppingham will continue to flourish as a place of opportunity, innovation, and shared prosperity.

In conclusion, Uppingham First stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared vision and purpose.

Business & Community Partners

Uppingham Town Council

Local Businesses & Schools

Uppingham Business Forum

Uppingham Neighbourhood Forum

Rutland County Council

Government, LEP and Statutory Agencies

Locality; NCVO; CTA; Surgery; Blue Lights

CPRE – Rutland

Rotary; In Bloom; Churches; WI; Community

Groups; Women in the High Street